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Feeling Hot for Cold Brew?

If you’ve been beating the heat this summer by enjoying teas at cooler temperatures, you may be wondering what exactly is “cold brew” tea and how it may differ from iced tea.
Iced tea is prepared by the typical process of brewing hot tea and subsequently adding ice or putting in the refrigerator to lower the temperature. This method can occur quickly and can extract a heavy amount of the flavor in the one brew. Cold brew tea is prepared by putting tea leaves in room temperature water and placing in the refrigerator to steep over a number of hours. Over time, the flavor is slowly extracted, bringing out more nuances and allowing time to create a more balanced and integrated tea.
We currently offer six types of cold brew tea, each pre-packaged in a paper pouch for convenient brewing at home. Simply add 1-2 pouches in a large glass container of water and let it sit in your refrigerator. Depending on your flavor preference, the tea can be steeped for anywhere from a few hours to 24 hours.
For those who have already been enjoying our Lichee Red cold brew tea at home or in the shop, our old source is no longer available and we have changed to a new batch* with a Lapsang Souchong tea base. In this new batch we notice that the tea flavor is highlighted much more. So far we have gotten positive feedback from a few of our wholesale customers about the new Lichee Red compared to the previous tea. We are curious to hear what your thoughts are as well!
*Please note that we still are carrying the same Lichee Red Premium hot tea leaves - so don’t worry about that!