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“Zheng Shan Bai Cha 正衫白茶 does not have an arrogant fragrance, nor does it have a domineering or thick taste. Soaked in time, the tea liquid changes its appearance while maintaining stillness, waiting for the original simple yet complex fragrance.” - Mrs. Yeh
Tea Musings: “I searched thousands of times in the crowd, but the one I was looking for was in a dimly lit place.”
茶語:眾裡尋它千百度 伊人卻在燈火闌珊處 ~
This tea is produced at the Yeh family farm at Da An, Shan Lin Xi 杉林溪 at an elevation of 1500 meters. The property has a modern 5-star facility for processing tea as well as an ancient house over 100 years old. Three generations of the Yeh family have lived in the house. The Yeh family takes pride in the care that they apply to the land and the tea plants on the farm.
They delight to share a cup of tea that has emotion, warm and full of human touch of food safe Shan Lin Xi Tea.
Steeping Guidelines:
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Review Shan Lin Xi High Mountain Zheng Shan Bai Cha 0.5 oz