One Saturday each month we will open our doors for additional evening hours to gather over tea and activities. Each month will bring a new theme.
Saturday, February 22nd: Lunar New Year
If you didn't get a chance to celebrate Lunar New Year with us on Feb. 1st, we'll be here for a more low-key gathering where we share pots of tea and Lunar New Year snacks and treats.
Bring your own cup or teaware if you want to use, and bring any activities such as mahjong, tarot/oracle cards, or whatever things you want to share with folks to celebrate the Yin Wood Snake Year!
The $20 fee will cover any / as much tea from our menu of your choice + light snacks. Since it's a communal gathering where others will also be choosing teas, this is a fun opportunity to taste a variety of teas from our menu.
Saturday, March 29th: Celebrate Awesome Asian Women with Tea & Conversation
In March, let's gather on the last days of Women's History Month to celebrate Asian women voices with a reading from Karen Wang-Diggs from her new book, Awesome Asian Women. We invite you to join us over tea with paired homemade cookies, and we will fold paper cranes together. We'll have to space to share our experiences of being inspired by awesome women in our own lives!
The $20 fee will cover any / as much tea from our menu of your choice + light snacks. Since it's a communal gathering where others will also be choosing teas, this is a fun opportunity to taste a variety of teas from our menu.
For more information on Karen & her book Awesome Asian Women, click here.